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Regents-Based Item Bank - Landscapes and Surface Processes

Regents-Based Item Bank - Landscapes and Surface Processes

The Regents Item Bank provides questions from past Regents exams aligned with the content of this unit.

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Unit 3 Factors of Sediment Erosion and Deposition

Living Environment and Earth Science Archive
ES Unit 3: ES: Landscapes and Surface Processes
Unit 3 Factors of Sediment Erosion and Deposition

Students collaborate in groups of 2-3 to review factors that affect deposition of particles.

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Unit 3 Landscapes and Surface Processes Unit Plan

Unit 3 Landscapes and Surface Processes Unit Plan

For nearly five billion years, the Earth's surface has been constantly built up and broken down by processes taking place above and below the Earth's surface, resulting in the wide range of beautiful and complex landscapes we see today. In this unit, students will continue to make connections between the Earth's systems when they study interactions between the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere by investigating the rock cycle, and the erosional processes of streams, wind, wave action, and mass movement.

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Unit 3 Mineral Identification and Explaining Mineral Properties

Unit 3 Mineral Identification and Explaining Mineral Properties

In this task students sort minerals by different characteristics, in order to learn the mineral classification system. Students then compare and contrast mineral molecular models in order to craft an explanation that accounts for differences in mineral properties.

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Unit 3 Mineral Identification and Explaining Mineral Properties Lab

Unit 3 Mineral Identification and Explaining Mineral Properties Lab

Students sort and classify minerals, then learn concepts that allow them to explain why each type of mineral has its own set of unique properties.

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Unit 3 Modeling Weathering and Erosion Lab

Living Environment and Earth Science Archive
ES Unit 3: ES: Landscapes and Surface Processes
Unit 3 Modeling Weathering and Erosion Lab

Students will engage in a hands on lab activity that will allow them to make observations of different types of weathering and erosion in action.

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Unit 3 Monument Mayhem Performance Task

Unit 3 Monument Mayhem Performance Task

Using evidence from a samples of rock collected at two different monuments on Earth, the ESRT, and activities from class, develop a scientific claim about which monument is in most immediate need of repair, and support this claim with specific evidence referenced from this unit.

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Unit 3 Patterns of Erosion and Deposition in Streams 5E Instructional Model Plan

Unit 3 Patterns of Erosion and Deposition in Streams 5E Instructional Model Plan

The dynamic nature of streams is vital to civilizations, providing civilizations with drinking water and water for farming. Running water transports more material on Earth's surface than any other agent of erosion. In this 5E sequence students learn about the patterns of erosional-depositional systems in streams through observations of a stream table. Students will also work to develop their own explanation as to how rivers and streams work to constantly alter the surface of Earth.

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Unit 3 Patterns of Stream Erosion and Deposition Lab (Less Scaffolded)

Unit 3 Patterns of Stream Erosion and Deposition Lab (Less Scaffolded)

Students will explore the processes associated with stream erosion by observing an actual small-scale erosional-depositional system.

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Unit 3 Patterns of Stream Erosion and Deposition Lab (More Scaffolded)

Unit 3 Patterns of Stream Erosion and Deposition Lab (More Scaffolded)

Students will explore the processes associated with stream erosion by observing an actual small-scale erosional-depositional system.

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Unit 3 Pre-assessment: What Happened to George Washington's Face?

Living Environment and Earth Science Archive
ES Unit 3: ES: Landscapes and Surface Processes
Unit 3 Pre-assessment: What Happened to George Washington's Face?

Using this pre-assessment task, the teacher can get a sense of students' prior knowledge about topics covered in the unit.

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Unit 3 Professional Development Booklet 1

Living Environment and Earth Science Archive
ES Unit 3: ES: Landscapes and Surface Processes
Unit 3 Professional Development Booklet 1

This booklet can be used with teams of teachers to work through the resources in Unit 3. The focus of this PD is on stations to model weathering and erosion.

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