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9.8 African Empires and City-States

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 African Empires and City-States

Students will analyze the influence of Islam on the growth of trade networks and power relations in the Songhai Empire and in East African city-states. They will analyze the relationships with neighboring peoples in the region considering warfare, tribute, and trade.

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9.8 Closer: Enduring Issues and Questions

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 Closer: Enduring Issues and Questions

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9.8 End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned

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We will try to respond to all access requests within 72 hours. We are sorry if this delay causes any inconvenience. 

9.8 End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned- Teacher Materials

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned- Teacher Materials

Assessment Security and Access

We have restricted access to assessments to EDUCATORS ONLY. 

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You will need to provide your official school email address AND a Google email address. In some cases, these will be the same email account. You will only need to fill the form out once to gain access to all of the assessments and teacher materials in the curriculum.

After you fill out the form, you will receive notification that you have been added to a Google Group called "New Visions Social Studies Assessments Access." Once you receive that notification, you can access all of the assessments through the New Visions Social Studies Curriculum website, but you must be logged into the Google account you provided in the form to view the assessments. 

We will try to respond to all access requests within 72 hours. We are sorry if this delay causes any inconvenience. 

9.8 Enduring Issue Check-In

Regents Readiness
Resources: Regents Prep: Global 2 Exam
9.8 Enduring Issue Check-In

9.8 How did the Aztecs gain, consolidate, and maintain power?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 How did the Aztecs gain, consolidate, and maintain power?

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9.8 How did the Aztecs innovate to meet their needs?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 How did the Aztecs innovate to meet their needs?

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9.8 How did the Inca gain, consolidate, and maintain power in their empire?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 How did the Inca gain, consolidate, and maintain power in their empire?

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9.8 How did the Inca innovate to meet their needs?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 How did the Inca innovate to meet their needs?

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9.8 SQ How do we know what we know about civilizations in the Americas pre-1600? What are the limitations of what we know?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 SQ How do we know what we know about civilizations in the Americas pre-1600? What are the limitations of what we know?

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9.8 SQ What led to the decline of the Mayan Civilization?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 SQ What led to the decline of the Mayan Civilization?

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9.8 SQ _. What led to the Maya Golden Age? How did the Maya Golden Age impact Central America other regions, and later periods in history?

Global History I
Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
9.8 SQ _. What led to the Maya Golden Age? How did the Maya Golden Age impact Central America other regions, and later periods in history?

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