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11.0: Current Events

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
11.0: Current Events

This unit helps students and teachers unpack the Black Lives Matter protests from the summer of 2020 while also helping students activate prior knowledge.  

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Am I a Primary or Secondary source?

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
Am I a Primary or Secondary source?

Students will be asked to sort 8 different scenarios into two groups - primary and secondary sources, compare with a partner, and finally explain the difference between different types of sources in a written paragraph.  

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Artifact Analysis

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
Artifact Analysis

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Baseline Assessment

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
Baseline Assessment

The baseline, or diagnostic, assessment is meant to engage students in historical thinking, reading, writing, reasoning, and investigation.  Students are asked to read two documents that account for Columbus’s explorations of the “New World”.  They are then asked to answer a series of analysis questions that engage them in thinking further about these documents.  Finally, students are asked to write a response to a prompt that asks them to think about the two documents together.  

Assessment Security and Access

We have restricted access to assessments to EDUCATORS ONLY. 

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You will need to provide your official school email address AND a Google email address. In some cases, these will be the same email account. You will only need to fill the form out once to gain access to all of the assessments and teacher materials in the curriculum.

After you fill out the form, you will receive notification that you have been added to a Google Group called "New Visions Social Studies Assessments Access." Once you receive that notification, you can access all of the assessments through the New Visions Social Studies Curriculum website, but you must be logged into the Google account you provided in the form to view the assessments. 

We will try to respond to all access requests within 72 hours. We are sorry if this delay causes any inconvenience. 

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Final Assessment

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
Final Assessment

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Final Assessment Preview: Unit 11.0

Final Assessment Preview: Unit 11.0

Students will preview the final assessment and answer reflection questions. 

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Formative Assessment #1: Contextualizing an Image

Formative Assessment #1: Contextualizing an Image

Students will be asked to contextualize an image from current events. 

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Formative Assessment #2

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
Formative Assessment #2

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Lesson 1: Activating Prior Knowledge

Lesson 1: Activating Prior Knowledge

Students will recall what they already know about the BLM protests from the summer of 2020 and share that with their teachers and peers. 

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Lesson 2: What Happened? Why did it Happen?

Lesson 2: What Happened? Why did it Happen?

Students will gather information about the BLM protests from this past summer and learn why they took place. 

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Lesson #3: Riot is the Language of the Unheard

Lesson #3: Riot is the Language of the Unheard

Students will unpack a Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speech and learn more about the aims of the BLM movement. 

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Lesson #4: #takeaknee

U.S. History
Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
Lesson #4: #takeaknee

Students will be asked to analyze the relationship between #takeaknee the Black Lives Matter movement. 

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