How Do I Use the Resources?
EAAL is designed for you to get the planning and resources you need for YOUR planning and teaching conditions!
“Accessible Planning” means we design curricula and plan lessons that anticipate learner difference and reduce barriers to learning. We do this by planning units, assessments and lessons that consider the the variety of learners in a classroom. There are simple but impactful “moves” we can make at each level of planning to create as many opportunity for access as possible.
New Visions also recognizes that each teaching and learning context is different. In an ideal world, we would co-plan each unit, assessment and lesson. In reality, that doesn’t or can’t always happen.
Here’s what you need to know before you start

Stage 1 - Big Ideas: What are the big takeaways you want students to have?
Stage 2 - Assessment: How can students show understanding of the takeaways?
Stage 3 - Pacing: How is the unit paced and scaffolded toward the assessment?
Stage 4 - Lesson Plans: How are lessons designed with clear goals and multiple entry points?
Stage 5 - Access for Individual Students: How are individual needs considered and planned for to meet the lesson goal?
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of EAAL offers flexible resources for a variety of teaching contexts, it is recommended that folks explore the resources in each stage. If you’re short on planning time, head right to the stage that you need or use this resource.
How to Know What You Need and Find It

Each stage also has a planning resource that gives you different pathways to plan based on your teaching context. Maybe you co-plan units with your co-teacher? Maybe you co-teach with multiple teachers and help create access in existing lesson? There's a pathway for you!
While EAAL is a framework that offers a process, or a way of thinking about planning and 'doing' instruction, there are strategies and tools that are generalizable across content areas to create access. These resources are embedded throughout EAAL planning stages but they can also be explored on the Supplemental Resources page.