Global I Scope and Sequence
New Visions Social Studies Curriculum
Are you struggling to find high quality, free resources that you can use with your high school social studies students? Having trouble finding materials that improve literacy skills or align with new and evolving state standards?
New Visions for Public Schools has developed full scope and sequence curricular frameworks designed for the Global History and Geography I and II courses and the U.S. History course. The curriculum integrates rich primary and secondary texts, maps, images, videos, and other reputable online sources into materials that meet the New York State K-12 Social Studies Framework’s objectives and provide students an opportunity to improve literacy skills by focusing on thinking critically while reading, writing, and speaking like historians.
We understand that teachers may use resources differently, so we have created and curated high-quality Open Educational Resource (OER) materials available in Google Docs; we encourage teachers to make their own copies of resources and thoughtfully modify to make them useful for their individual needs.
Not sure how to start using the curriculum? Check out our getting started section.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Use the resource search to sort materials by standards, type, keywords, and more!
Questions? Contact us at:
Teacher Testimonial
"I don’t think I’ve ever seen a collection of resources for teachers as organized as the one New Visions has put together. The multitude of reading and writing strategies organized in one place has saved me hours of searching. The curriculum not only provides ideas and suggestions for how a lesson could work, but it also contains differentiated activities.”