In this unit, students figure out the processes that cause weather phenomena, and they make qualitative claims about how
climate change can affect storm frequency and intensity. To do this, they use a variety of physical and computer models
related to these weather phenomena to explore the cause and effect relationships among variables such as temperature,
water vapor, and air pressure; analyze and interpret national and global weather and climate data to find spatial and
temporal patterns; construct explanations about what causes these types of storms; and engage in argument based on
evidence from models and the data about what might happen in the future.

Unit 4 Teacher Guide (pdf)
This Teacher Guide is intended to supplement the Teacher and Student Materials for Unit 6. While the Teacher Materials support teachers with what to do, this Guide tells them why, so that enactment decisions are informed by an understanding of the pedagogical approach; we believe this supports teachers to make modifications and adaptations that are aligned with the vision of NGSS. This Teacher Guide also provides additional support with the logistics of enactment, such as pacing, organizing materials, and labs. Routines are embedded into the Teacher Materials; however, this Teacher Guide provides more detailed information about when, why, and how to enact each routine.
Unit Opening - Teacher, Student (PTO)
Optional - Atmosphere & Weather Variables 3E - Teacher, Student
Blizzards 5E - Teacher, Student