New Visions Partnership with STEMteachersNYC
The materials below were developed through a partnership with STEMteachersNYC, an established, teacher-led community of educators based in NYC.
At this time we are not developing any additional physics units.
See the FAQ below for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you have an answer key or solutions?
No, we do not have those resources for the units.
2. Is this physics course aligned to NYSSLS or NGSS?
Not exactly, but this is a models-based physics course, which is very supportive of student sensemaking and engagement with the SEPs.
3. Is this the full physics course?
For some teachers, this may be the full physics course. If there are other topics you need to cover, it may be necessary to go beyond what is covered here.
4. Is this aligned to the current NY State physics Regents?
Yes, these are topics from the NY State Regents, but this set of materials doesn't include a NY Regents Physics item bank.
5. Where should I go for support with using these materials?
We suggest looking into the online and professional learning community at STEMTeachers NYC.
There are also a number of great physics blogs that support a models-based approach: