Conference Workshops and Presentations

NSTA 2019 | St. Louis, MO
Co-Developing NGSS-designed Units with Teacher Leaders as a Mechanism for Bridging Research & Practice
- Dora Kastel, New Visions; John Salazar, New Visions; Andrea Sau, Mott Hall Bronx
Group Learning Routines to Promote Access in Inquiry-Based Classrooms Through Equitable Discussion - Brittany Beck, HS of Telecommunication Arts and Technology; Andrea Sau, Mott Hall Bronx

ASCD 2019 | Chicago, IL
Co-Developing Standards-aligned, Relevant Units with Teacher Leaders to Bridge Research and Practice- Kiran Purohit, New Visions for Public Schools; Charles Link, Worldview High School
Group Learning Routines to Promote Access in Inquiry-Based Classrooms Through Equitable Discussion - Elizabeth Chatham, New Visions for Public Schools; Michelle Pizer, New Visions Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science II - Slides | Handouts

NSTA 2018 | Atlanta, GA
Group Learning Routines as a Bridge to Scientific Writing - Zach Stellato, AMS II; Michelle Ott, AMS III
Using the 5E Instructional Model to Support a Transition to NGSS Instruction Michelle Pizer, AMS II; John Salazar, New Visions

Deeper Learning 2018 | San Diego, CA
Deep Dive Session: Climate change, biodiversity, and ticks -- Developing complex solutions to the complex problem of Lyme Disease in the United States
March 29, 2018

STANYS State Conference 2017 | Rochester, NY
Michelle Ott, New Visions Science Teacher Leader; New Visions Charter High School for Advanced Math & Science III
Using the 5E Instructional Model to Support a Transition to NYSSLS-aligned Instruction
John Salazar, New Visions Science Instructional Specialist
Engaging Learners in Group Learning Routines for Inquiry-based Earth Science
Meg Stewart, New Visions Science Teacher Leader; West Bronx Academy for the Future