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Unit 6 Biotechnology Performance Task

Unit 6 Biotechnology Performance Task

How can we use biotechnology to identify evolutionary relationships between organisms and to help conserve biodiversity? In this task, students use evidence from a set of laboratory tests to identify a close relative of an endangered plant, Botana curus, and explore alternative ways in which biotechnology can be used to conserve this species.

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Unit 6 Genetics, Biotechnology & Bioethics Unit Plan

Unit 6 Genetics, Biotechnology & Bioethics Unit Plan

DNA, as students learned earlier in the year, is found in all living things, and has a common role in heredity. In this unit, students investigate genetic processes including protein synthesis, inheritance, and gene expression. They then learn about modifications of these processes through the lens of genetic engineering, biotechnology, and natural selection. Students will investigate these concepts through background readings, interactive simulations, and hands-on experience with biotechnology labs including analyzing DNA samples using gel electrophoresis.

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