
Using IM Algebra

Guidance for transitioning to Illustrated Mathematics after using New Visions Algebra I


Resources for the Transition

  • Access the IM curriculum at Kendall Hunt
    Illustrative Mathematics offers their Algebra 1 course free online through one of their certified partners, Kendall Hunt. To access the curriculum, go to the Kendall Hunt website and create a free account.
  • Curriculum Adaptation Packs (one for each unit)
    These Curriculum Adaptation Packs support teachers in considering content from prior courses to emphasize and ways in which to support students in accessing grade-level content. For more information about how to use the Adaptation Packs, click here. For Units 1-3, there are modified versions of the Adaptation Packs that take into account the NYC context and return from COVID school closures.
  • Algebra 1 crosswalks: New Visions and Illustrative Mathematics
    We believe that Illustrative Mathematics (IM) offers the most accessible high quality vertically-aligned curriculum available for high school math. Since IM is also a Core Curriculum option for NYC Public Schools, we are transitioning the focus of our math professional learning and coaching on the adoption and implementation of IM, focusing on Algebra 1. To support this transition, see the crosswalk document.
  • Information about NYC Public Schools Core Curriculum


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