A2 U3:

Trigonometric Functions

How can we model periodic behavior?
5 weeks

The core mathematics of this unit is about understanding cyclical relationships between two quantities. Students develop a conceptual understanding of the repetition belonging to periodic functions and using this foundation for interpreting features of trigonometric functions including period, frequency, and amplitude. This unit builds on student experiences from geometry with trigonometric ratios, radian measure, and triangle applications to understand the unit circle as a tool for creating and analyzing trigonometric functions.

Essential Questions:

  • What makes a function periodic?
  • How are sine and cosine examples of a periodic function?
  • How can we model periodic behavior?
  • How do we compare different ways of measurement?
Printable Unit Plan

Unit Outline

10 Components

Every unit begins with an Initial Task and ends with a Balanced Assessment, both focusing on core mathematics of the unit. The core mathematics is developed through a series of resources around Big Ideas; as you move through the unit, keep students focused on how these ideas are connected and how they address mathematical problem solving. Before attempting the Balanced Assessment, students have an opportunity to synthesize their knowledge through a multi-day Formative Assessment Lesson and teacher-designed re-engagement lessons.

Initial Task See 1 itemHide 1 item

Formative Assessment Lesson See 1 itemHide 1 item

Re-engagement See 1 itemHide 1 item

End of Unit Assessments See 3 itemsHide 3 items