Many individuals have contributed to the development of the materials on the site, from those who advised, to those who have created, to those who have piloted, and those who have communicated feedback to iterate on the materials. We have been fortunate to have had so many wonderful educators involved in this process. Thank you also to the many teachers who have given us feedback over the years to iterate on the materials.
While the resources will no longer be updated regularly, they continue to be available to be adapted and used in your classrooms.

Amy Lucenta | Fostering Math Practices | Co-founder
Amy Lucenta, co-founder of Fostering Math Practices, has extensive K-12 mathematics experience with a focus on developing mathematical practices in all students, particularly in historically marginalized students. She supports teachers, districts, and educational collaborative organizations as they transition their curriculum and pedagogy to reflect current mathematics education research through professional development and coaching. Amy is the co-author of Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Mathematical Teaching Practices through Reasoning Routines and Routines for Reasoning: Fostering Mathematical Practices in All Students, published by Heinemann.
As an advisor to the New Visions curriculum development work, she was pivotal to the Instructional Routines that are part of the materials.

David Foster | SVMI | Founder and Partner
David Foster is the Founder of the Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative (SVMI), which he established in 1996 working as Mathematics Director for the Noyce Foundation, and whose mission is based on high performance expectations, ongoing professional learning, examining student work, and improved math instruction. And, as an advisor to the New Visions curriculum development work, was pivotal to the role of the initial assessment tasks, the formative assessment tasks, and re-engagement that are part of the curriculum.
David was a Regional Director for the Middle Grade Mathematics Renaissance, of the California State Systemic Initiative. David taught mathematics and computer science at middle school, high school, and community college for eighteen years.

David Wees | DreamBox Learning | Senior Curriculum Designer, Mathematics
David is an educational consultant around issues of mathematics pedagogy, curriculum design, educational technology, and professional learning for educators for various organizations around the world. He taught math as a full-time classroom teacher in NYC, London, Bangkok, and Vancouver and has been involved in education in some capacity since 1991. David focuses on treating students and educators as sense-makers when they are learning, rather than mistake-makers. David worked on the New Visions Mathematics curriculum from 2013 through 2019 as we iterated from our early unit plans and initial assessment tasks through to a complete Algebra I course and resources for Geometry and Algebra II.

Eric Rubinstein | New Design High School | Math Teacher
I have been teaching high school Algebra since 2012. I started in Brooklyn, NY and now in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, NY. I started working with New Visions in 2018. I have been involved with the Algebra 1 core resources project and the Instructional Routine Video project.

Grace Kelemanik | Fostering Math Practices | Co-founder
Grace Kelemanik, co-founder of Fostering Math Practices, has more than 30 years of mathematics education experience. A frequent presenter at national conferences, her work focuses on fostering mathematical thinking practices in all students. She is a former urban high school mathematics teacher and Project Director at Education Development Center. Grace has also worked extensively with new and preservice teachers through the Boston Teacher Residency program. Grace is a member of the NCTM Board of Directors. Grace is the coauthor of Teaching for Thinking: Fostering Mathematical Teaching Practices through Reasoning Routines and Routines for Reasoning: Fostering the Mathematical Practices in All Students.
Grace is a mathematics education consultant and professional development provider, and as an advisor to the New Visions curriculum development work, she was pivotal to the Instructional Routines that are part of the materials.

Jennifer Kim | New Visions for Public Schools | Lead Instructional Continuous Improvement Coach
Jennifer supports school teams with math curriculum adoption and continuous improvement cycles to increase 9th grade outcomes for students. She also collaboratively developed an inquiry-based curriculum aligned to the NYS Mathematics Learning Standards and Instructional Routines that fosters student Mathematical Practices. Before joining New Visions in 2013, she worked as a middle and high school math teacher and instructional coach for pre-service and in-service educators.

Kaitlin Nova | Forsyth Satellite Academy | Math Teacher
Kaitlin has taught a variety of high school mathematics courses in NYC public schools since 2008. Currently Kaitlin teaches at Forsyth Satellite Academy, a transfer consortium school, on the Lower East Side.

Kiran Purohit | New Visions for Public Schools | Vice President, Curriculum & Instruction
Kiran joined New Visions in 2012 and currently leads the curriculum and instruction team. Prior to working at New Visions, she collaborated with schools to develop coherent secondary science and math curricula and taught science and math in middle schools in New York City. She holds Master's degrees from Teachers College and New York University, and an Ed.D in curriculum studies from Columbia University, Teachers College.

Liz Ramirez | Illustrative Mathematics | Director of Implementation
Liz began her career as a middle school math teacher in New York City. In the years that followed, she taught and coached in NYC Public Schools and abroad. At Illustrative Mathematics, Liz has worked with teams to develop quality resources and professional learning opportunities that empower teachers to meet the diverse needs of their students. In her current role as Director of Implementation, she focuses on the development of tools, resources, and professional learning that will help districts successfully implement the IM curriculum.

Magdalene Lampert | MLampert | Teacher Education Design Consultant
As an advisor to the math curriculum projects at New Visions, Magdalene Lampert has been instrumental in helping to specify what ambitious math instruction looks like in the design of curriculum materials that position students as sense makers and mathematical thinkers. She also assisted in the creation of professional learning programs for teachers that were consistent with these materials. From 2011 until 2016, she worked with the Boston Plan for Excellence on the design of adult learning systems in its Teaching Academies and on the development of the Boston Teacher Residency’s clinical teacher education/induction program. From 2007 until 2011, she coordinated Learning Teaching in, from, and for Practice, a project for developing teacher education pedagogy across the University of Washington, the University of Michigan, and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to support novices engaged in ambitious teaching.
Dr. Lampert has taught elementary and high school mathematics, pre-service and in-service teacher education, and doctoral courses for aspiring teacher educators. She is Professor Emerita in the University of Michigan School of Education, where she held the George Herbert Mead Chair in Education. She received the 2014 Outstanding Contribution to Education Award from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the 2014 AACTE Outstanding Journal of Teacher Education Article Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. She is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Education.

Margarite Yuelys | New Visions Charter HS for the Humanities 2 | Math Teacher
I started teaching a hybrid Geometry and Algebra course and now I teach mainly Algebra 1 in the South Bronx. I have worked with the New Visions curriculum for 7 years. I worked on the Algebra 1 Core Resource project and the Instructional Routines Video Project. I have also been actively involved in piloting many projects in Algebra 1 and Geometry over the last 5 years.

Russell West | New Visions for Public Schools | Counsel and Deputy Director of Instruction
I joined New Visions in 2011 when I was charged with building the team that created New Visions Math. I currently support the Curriculum & Instruction team in using continuous improvement principles to provide focused professional learning for teachers and school leaders. Additionally, I direct the Astor Center for Public School Libraries and provide legal counsel to the organization’s management team.

Sara Toguchi | New Visions for Public Schools | Director of School Support
I worked in NYC schools for 10+ years as a classroom teacher, coach, and team leader, among other school leadership roles and responsibilities. Currently, I support the routinization of critical tasks as a part of the New Visions school support strategy, including providing resources and tools for monitoring school progress.