Zoom In:

Zoom In Example: Sojourner Truth Presentation

This is an example of the "Zoom In" instructional routine being used for a lesson on Sojourner Truth (Unit 11.03B.A.5), Lesson 5: How does Sojourner Truth demonstrate the intersection of women and Black rights and impact both early feminism and abolition?

1 day
  • 11.03B.A.4 - Zoom In Example: Sojourner Truth
    This is an example of the "Zoom In" instructional routine being used for a lesson on Sojourner Truth (Unit 11.03B.A.5), Lesson 5: How does Sojourner Truth demonstrate the intersection of women and Black rights and impact both early feminism and abolition?
    11.03B.A.4 - Zoom In Example: Sojourner Truth

    This is an example of the "Zoom In" instructional routine being used for a lesson on Sojourner Truth (Unit 11.03B.A.5), Lesson 5: How does Sojourner Truth demonstrate the intersection of women and Black rights and impact both early feminism and abolition?

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