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End of Unit Assessments Aligned to the Global II Exam
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End of Unit Assessments Aligned to the Global II Exam
Resources for Part II: Constructed Response Questions:

How to Source a Document (author, audience, purpose, point of view, bias)

An explanation of sourcing with helpful words and phrases for identifying and explaining an author’s point of view, bias, purpose, and the effects of an audience on the presentation of an author’s ideas and activities for practicing the use of those words

  • Historical Thinking and Speaking Skills: How to Source a Document (author, audience, purpose, point of view, bias)
    An explanation of sourcing with helpful words and phrases for identifying and explaining an author’s point of view, bias, purpose, and the effects of an audience on the presentation of an author’s ideas and activities for practicing the use of those words and phrases.
    Historical Thinking and Speaking Skills: How to Source a Document (author, audience, purpose, point of view, bias)

    An explanation of sourcing with helpful words and phrases for identifying and explaining an author’s point of view, bias, purpose, and the effects of an audience on the presentation of an author’s ideas and activities for practicing the use of those words and phrases.