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10.03.E.1 - Great Hunger of Ireland

Global History II
10.03: Industrial Revolution
10.03.E.1 - Great Hunger of Ireland

Inquiry Question

  • Were the causes of the Great Hunger of Ireland natural or human made? 
    What were the effects of famine on Irish society?

Learning Objective

  • Examine primary and secondary sources to determine the causes and effects of the Irish Potato Famine.
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10.04.D.2 - Belgian Congo “Free” State

Global History II
10.04: Imperialism & Colonization
10.04.D.2 - Belgian Congo “Free” State

Instructional Routine

  • Big C, little c

Inquiry Question

  • How did Belgian colonial and financial interests lead to atrocities in the Congo?

Learning Objective

  • Examine various documents in order to contextualize the atrocities committed in the Congo by Belgian colonial interests under King Leopold 2. 
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10.05.D.1 - Rise of Fascism in Weimar Germany

Global History II
10.05: World Wars
10.05.D.1 - Rise of Fascism in Weimar Germany

Inquiry Question

  • Why did Fascism become popular in Weimar Germany?

Learning Objective

  • Analyze a series of short text and image depictions of the causes leading to the rise of Hitler and Fascism in Weimar Germany. 

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10.05.D.2 - Hitler & Nazi Germany

Global History II
10.05: World Wars
10.05.D.2 - Hitler & Nazi Germany

Inquiry Question

  • How did the Nazi party utilize various forms of propaganda to achieve their goals?
  • Once in control, how did the Nazis consolidate power to achieve their goals?

Learning Objective

  • Use a sourcing instructional routine in order to analyze primary sources relating to Nazi’s goals once in power, along with evaluating short readings describing the Nazi’s methods of control. 
10.07.A.1 - Indian Nationalist Movements (1857-1919)

Global History II
10.07: Decolonization & Nationalism
10.07.A.1 - Indian Nationalist Movements (1857-1919)

Inquiry Question

  • What historical context led to the Indian Independence Movement?

Learning Objective

  • Students will practice writing a historical essay by reading several essay style texts describing British rule in India and Indian resistances.
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10.07.A.2 - Gandhi & the Nonviolence Movement (1915-1947)

Global History II
10.07: Decolonization & Nationalism
10.07.A.2 - Gandhi & the Nonviolence Movement (1915-1947)

Inquiry Question

  • Why was Nonviolence an effective tactic to use against British colonial control of India?

Learning Objective

  • Students will examine several quotes, video clips, and primary sources in order to evaluate the effectiveness of nonviolence as a tactic to resist colonial rule. 
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10.07.A.3 - Cause & Effect Chain - Partition & Independence of India & Pakistan (1906-1947) (Print)
10.07.A.3 - Cause & Effect Chain - Partition & Independence of India & Pakistan (1906-1947) (Print)

Cause and Effect Chain materials for lesson: 10.07.A.3 - Partition & Independence of India & Pakistan (1906-1947)

10.07.A.3 - Partition & Independence of India & Pakistan (1906-1947)

Global History II
10.07: Decolonization & Nationalism
10.07.A.3 - Partition & Independence of India & Pakistan (1906-1947)

Inquiry Question

  • What were the causes and effects of partition on the independence of India and Pakistan? 

Learning Objective

  • Students will compare and analyze maps and primary sources describing the events leading up to and immediately following the partition and independence of India and Pakistan in order to understand the cause and effects of partition on newly decolonized nations.
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10.07.A.4 - French Indochina, the Vietnam War, & Hồ Chí Minh (1858-1979)

Global History II
10.07: Decolonization & Nationalism
10.07.A.4 - French Indochina, the Vietnam War, & Hồ Chí Minh (1858-1979)

Inquiry Question

  • Why was Hồ Chí Minh and the Vietnamese resistance successful?
  • How was Hồ Chí Minh’s methods and ideas different from other decolonization movements?

Learning Objective

  • Students will analyze the events leading to and methods used in achieving Vietnamese independence in order to compare and contrast Hồ Chí Minh with Gandhi. 
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10.07.B.1 - Pan-Africanism and Independence (1847-1990)

Global History II
10.07: Decolonization & Nationalism
10.07.B.1 - Pan-Africanism and Independence (1847-1990)

Inquiry Question

  • How was Pan-Africanism influential for African independence movements?

Learning Objective

  • Students will examine the origins and ideas of Pan-Africanism in order to better explain the motivations and goals of the African Independence Movement.
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10.07.B.2 - African Independence Movements: Ghana, Algeria, & Kenya

Global History II
10.07: Decolonization & Nationalism
10.07.B.2 - African Independence Movements: Ghana, Algeria, & Kenya

Inquiry Question

  • How did African countries gain independence in the second half of the 20th century?

Learning Objective

  • Students will be able to explain why and how African countries like Ghana, Algeria, and Kenya gained their independence by presenting symbols and key events. 
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10.07.C.1 - Competing Interest in West Asia: Nationalism, Imperialism, & Zionism (1800's-1914/pre-WW1)
10.07.C.1 - Competing Interest in West Asia: Nationalism, Imperialism, & Zionism (1800's-1914/pre-WW1)

Inquiry Question

  • What were the different competing interests on the fate of a post-Ottoman West Asia? 
  • Why were so many groups interested in Palestine?

Learning Objective

  • Students will examine primary resources in order to compare three major interest groups in West Asia pre-WW1.
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