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9.3 Introduction to Rome
9.3 Introduction to Rome

Students will identify the location of Ancient Rome, when it ruled, and the reasons for its rise and fall.

9.3 Pax Romana
9.3 Pax Romana

Students will identify the achievements of the Romans during Pax Romana.

9.3 Rise of the Roman Republic
9.3 Rise of the Roman Republic

Students will identify the location of Ancient Rome, when it ruled, and the reasons for its rise and fall.

9.3 The Fall of Rome Document Based Questions (DBQ)
9.3 The Fall of Rome Document Based Questions (DBQ)

Students will describe how the Roman Empire lost its power.

9.3 The Twelve Tables of Rome Close Read

Global History I
Unit 9.3: Classical Civilizations
9.3 The Twelve Tables of Rome Close Read

Students will Explain what we can learn about Roman society from the Twelve Tables of Rome.

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9.4 The Fall of Rome and the Emergence of Divergent Societies
9.4 The Fall of Rome and the Emergence of Divergent Societies

Students will identify the causes for the fall of the Roman empire and describe how the fall of the Roman empire led to the emergence of divergent societies (feudal Western Europe and the Byzantine empire).