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10.3 Introducing Evidence with Source Information
10.3 Introducing Evidence with Source Information

Students will use sourcing information, sentence templates, and appositives to introduce evidence.

Regents Writing Resources: Introducing Evidence with Source Information

Global History II
Unit 10.4: Imperialism
Regents Writing Resources: Introducing Evidence with Source Information

In this resource, students will use sourcing information, sentence templates, and appositives to introduce evidence.

Regents Writing Resources: Introduction Writing Lesson

Global History II
Unit 10.4: Imperialism
Regents Writing Resources: Introduction Writing Lesson

In this resource, students will learn how to write an effective introduction for the Global Regents essay.

Thematic Essay Introduction Writing
Thematic Essay Introduction Writing

Students will write a thesis statement that establishes a claim and includes a road map for the rest of the essay.