Big Idea:

Big Idea 3

Two triangles can be proven congruent based on the order of their corresponding, congruent sides and angles.

1 week

Evidence of Understanding

  • describe the criteria for congruence and justify why corresponding parts of congruent triangles must be congruent (CPCTC)
    • identify corresponding parts of congruent triangles
    • write congruence statements based on notations in a diagram
    • re-draw and re-orient diagrams to highlight corresponding parts of congruent triangles
  • prove two triangles are congruent
    • explain the congruence between two triangles using rigid motion transformations or constructions
    • identify corresponding congruent parts and apply the criteria of SSS, SAS, ASA, or AAS
      • prove two right triangles are congruent when corresponding Hypotenuse-Leg (HL) are congruent
    • discern when and how to use definitions and the transitive and reflexive properties to establish necessary criteria to prove two triangles are congruent
  • decompose polygons, parallelograms, and triangles to prove congruence
    • prove that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are congruent
      • apply CPCTC to prove that the opposite angles (base angles) of the given sides are congruent
    • prove a parallelogram is composed of two congruent triangles
      • explore and describe when a parallelogram is composed of four congruent triangles
    • prove that a regular hexagon is composed of 6 congruent, equilateral triangles

Develop conceptual understanding:

corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent (CPCTC), SSS, ASA, AAS, SAS, Hypotenuse-Leg, base angles, perpendicular bisector, opposite angle/side, parallelogram

Supporting terms to communicate:

corresponding, construct, rotate, reflect, translate, triangle, isosceles, equilateral, scalene, right, acute, obtuse, congruence, equidistant, reflexive property, transitive property, parallel
Core Resource

A core resource supports multiple days of instruction.

  • Congruent Triangles
    This incomplete Core Resource supports students in being able to develop triangle congruence proofs.
    Congruent Triangles

    This incomplete Core Resource supports students in being able to develop triangle congruence proofs.

    All Resources From:
Instructional Routine: Sharing Skepticism

The primary goal of this instructional routine is to support students in constructing and critiquing mathematical arguments.

  • Isosceles Triangles
    Students use triangle congruence proofs to show that two angles are congruent.
    Isosceles Triangles

    Students use triangle congruence proofs to show that two angles are congruent.

    All Resources From: