29 Components
Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
SQ 2. What was the Industrial Revolution? SQ 3. What historical circumstances and geographic context led to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain? SQ 4. How did innovations during the Industrial Revolution change life in Great Britain in the 19th century? SQ 5. How did industrialization and urbanization affect British cities? SQ 6. How did industrialization affect the British middle class? SQ 7. Staging the Industrial Revolution Inquiry: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? SQ 7. Industrial Revolution Inquiry Documents: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? WITHOUT RELIABILITY SQ 7. Industrial Revolution Inquiry Documents: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? WITH RELIABILITY SQ 7. Industrial Revolution Inquiry Socratic Seminar: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? 10.3 CRQ Practice: Effects of the Industrial Revolution SQ 8. How did reform movements attempt to transform society? SQ 9. In Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' The Communist Manifesto (1848), what points of view are expressed about the impacts of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution? SQ 10. According to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (1776), how does a nation build wealth? SQ 11. What is the difference between capitalism, socialism, and communism?
Browse Components
Industrial Revolution in Great Britain
SQ 2. What was the Industrial Revolution? SQ 3. What historical circumstances and geographic context led to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain? SQ 4. How did innovations during the Industrial Revolution change life in Great Britain in the 19th century? SQ 5. How did industrialization and urbanization affect British cities? SQ 6. How did industrialization affect the British middle class? SQ 7. Staging the Industrial Revolution Inquiry: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? SQ 7. Industrial Revolution Inquiry Documents: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? WITHOUT RELIABILITY SQ 7. Industrial Revolution Inquiry Documents: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? WITH RELIABILITY SQ 7. Industrial Revolution Inquiry Socratic Seminar: To what extent did people experience the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain differently? How were their experiences similar? 10.3 CRQ Practice: Effects of the Industrial Revolution SQ 8. How did reform movements attempt to transform society? SQ 9. In Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' The Communist Manifesto (1848), what points of view are expressed about the impacts of capitalism and the Industrial Revolution? SQ 10. According to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations (1776), how does a nation build wealth? SQ 11. What is the difference between capitalism, socialism, and communism?
End of Unit Assessments:

End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned- Teacher Materials

Aligned to the Global History and Geography II exam, administered June 2019 onwards

  • 10.3 End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned- Teacher Materials
    Aligned to the Global History and Geography II exam, administered June 2019 onwards.
    10.3 End of Unit Assessment- NEW Global II Exam Aligned- Teacher Materials

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