B - Industrialization & the Gilded Age:

Media Bias and Labor Unions

How can the media influence popular opinion? How does the media influence politics?

1 day
  • 11.05.B.4 - Media Bias and Labor Unions
    Instructional Routine: Sourcing Squad Inquiry Question How can the media influence popular opinion? How does the media influence politics? Learning Objective Analyze and source different documents in order to understand the impact of the media on public opinion surrounding the Haymarket Riot and Pullman Strike.
    11.05.B.4 - Media Bias and Labor Unions

    Instructional Routine

    • Sourcing Squad 

    Inquiry Question

    • How can the media influence popular opinion? How does the media influence politics? 

    Learning Objective

    • Analyze and source different documents in order to understand the impact of the media on public opinion surrounding the Haymarket Riot and Pullman Strike.
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