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11.03B.B.1 - Texas Annexation

U.S. History
Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & the Civil War
11.03B.B.1 - Texas Annexation

Inquiry Question
What were the arguments concerning the annexation of Texas? 

Learning Objective
Students will use primary source documents to evaluate different arguments for/against the annexation of Texas and draw their own conclusions on the United State’s actions. 

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11.03B.C.4 - Zoom-In - Mathew Brady & War Media
11.03B.C.4 - Zoom-In - Mathew Brady & War Media

Zoom-In Slidedeck to go along with the 11.03B.C.4 - Mathew Brady & War Media lesson.

11.4 Unit Multiple Choice Exam
11.4 Unit Multiple Choice Exam

Student multiple choice exam for unit 11.4 and teacher answer key.

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11.4 Vocabulary Review Activity - Concept Maps
11.4 Vocabulary Review Activity - Concept Maps

Students will create a concept map illustrating understanding of both content and vocabulary.

14 Points of Peace

14 Points of Peace

Students will analyze the text of the 14 Points of Peace.

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19th Amendment

19th Amendment

Students will use evidence from the documents to compare and contrast the National Woman's Party & the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

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9.1/10.0 SQ 1. What is history? How does point of view affect it?

Global History I
Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
9.1/10.0 SQ 1. What is history? How does point of view affect it?

Given two "histories" from the lunchroom fight, answer the following questions.
1. History is an account of the past constructed from evidence. What evidence did Justin and Max use to construct their histories of the lunchroom fight?
2. How are Justin and Max's histories of the lunchroom fight different?
3. How did Justin and Max's points of view affect their histories?

9.1/10.0 SQ 2. What sources do historians use to learn about the past?

Global History I
Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
9.1/10.0 SQ 2. What sources do historians use to learn about the past?

Given two sources from the lunchroom fight,
Identify each as either a primary or a secondary source
Explain why the source is primary or secondary

9.1/10.0 SQ 3. What practices do historians use to examine sources?

Global History I
Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
9.1/10.0 SQ 3. What practices do historians use to examine sources?

Given a source from the lunchroom fight:
Annotate the source using the annotation guide provided

Source the source by answering the following questions:
Who wrote this?
Why was it written?
What is the author's perspective?
How is this source useful evidence in determining what happened during the lunchroom fight?
How is this source not useful evidence in determining what happened during the lunchroom fight?

Close read the source by answering the questions: From this author's perspective, who started the lunchroom fight? Why does the author believe that?

9.1/10.0 SQ 5. How and why do historians corroborate sources?

Global History I
Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
9.1/10.0 SQ 5. How and why do historians corroborate sources?

Corroborate sources from the lunchroom fight to describe what happened during the lunchroom fight.

9.1/10.0 SQ 6. What is context? How do historians use it to understand and write about the past?

Global History I
Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
9.1/10.0 SQ 6. What is context? How do historians use it to understand and write about the past?

Contextualize the lunchroom fight by describing what happened in the town and school before the fight that led it.

9.1/10.0 SQ 7: How do historians construct arguments?

Global History I
Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
9.1/10.0 SQ 7: How do historians construct arguments?

Read through statements related to the lunchroom fight, then categorize each statement as a claim, evidence that supports that claim, or reasoning that supports the evidence.