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11.03B.B.1 - Texas Annexation

U.S. History
Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & the Civil War
11.03B.B.1 - Texas Annexation

Inquiry Question
What were the arguments concerning the annexation of Texas? 

Learning Objective
Students will use primary source documents to evaluate different arguments for/against the annexation of Texas and draw their own conclusions on the United State’s actions. 

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11.3 A Teacher Guide for Vocabulary Opener
11.3 A Teacher Guide for Vocabulary Opener

Students will be introduced to the vocabulary in Unit 3A

11.3 B Teacher Guide for Synthesis Activity
11.3 B Teacher Guide for Synthesis Activity

Students will complete a venn diagram and write an essay that responds to the question: "Between 1800 and 1865, to what extent did expansion of US borders lead to / cause / contribute to a rise in sectionalism?"

American Progress

American Progress

Students will analyze John Gast's painting American Progress & analyze the effects of manifest destiny.

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Building Context: Geography of North America in 1800

Building Context: Geography of North America in 1800

Students will examine a map of North America in 1800 and make predictions about American expansion.  

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Close Read 1: Texas Annexation - Differentiated Example
Close Read 1: Texas Annexation - Differentiated Example

Students will read and analyze arguments for and against the annexation of slavery

Geographical Context: Northwest Ordinance (1787)

Geographical Context: Northwest Ordinance (1787)

Students will review an infographic detailing the Northwest Ordinance (1787). 

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Geographical Reasoning Activity: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion
Geographical Reasoning Activity: Manifest Destiny & Westward Expansion

Students will analyze the lyrics of a Schoolhouse Rock video and create a visual representation of Manifest Destiny.

Graphic Organizer: Compromises: Slavery & Expansion
Graphic Organizer: Compromises: Slavery & Expansion

Students will complete a series of graphic organizers on the compromise of 1820, 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark

Students will evaluate the impact of the Lewis and Clark exploration on Native Americans.  

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Louisiana Purchase - Google Maps

Louisiana Purchase - Google Maps

Students will analyze an interactive google map and analyze the social, political, and economic effects of the Louisiana Purchase.  

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Louisiana Purchase - Jefferson's Motivations

Louisiana Purchase - Jefferson's Motivations

Students will analyze two primary sources to learn more about President Jefferson's motivations behind the Louisiana Purchase.  

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