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11.03B.A.1 - Enslaved Peoples of America in the 1800's

11.03B.A.1 - Enslaved Peoples of America in the 1800's

Inquiry Question
How and why did the institution of slavery grow in the early 1800’s?

Learning Objective
Students will examine a variety of documents concerning enslaved people in order to practice connecting claims to evidence. 

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11.03B.A.2 - Nat Turner's Rebellion

U.S. History
Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & Civil War
11.03B.A.2 - Nat Turner's Rebellion

Inquiry Question
How reliable are the primary source documents about Nat Turner’s rebellion and whose perspective is missing?

Learning Objective
Students will examine primary source documents concerning Nat Turner’s Rebellion in order to understand sourcing, bias, and missing historical perspectives. 

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11.03B.B.1 - Texas Annexation

U.S. History
Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & Civil War
11.03B.B.1 - Texas Annexation

Inquiry Question
What were the arguments concerning the annexation of Texas? 

Learning Objective
Students will use primary source documents to evaluate different arguments for/against the annexation of Texas and draw their own conclusions on the United State’s actions. 

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11.03B - Mad Libs: Sectionalism and the Civil War - Vocabulary Review

U.S. History
Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & Civil War
11.03B - Mad Libs: Sectionalism and the Civil War - Vocabulary Review

Students can use this activity to review relevant unit vocabulary

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11.03B - Vocabulary Opener - Teacher Guide
11.03B - Vocabulary Opener - Teacher Guide

Students will be introduced to the vocabulary in Unit 3B

11.3 B Unit Plan
11.3 B Unit Plan

A guiding and planning document for Unit 3B

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9.9 Political, Economic, Cultural, and Geographic Impacts of European Colonization

Global History I
Unit 9.9: Interactions and Disruptions
9.9 Political, Economic, Cultural, and Geographic Impacts of European Colonization

Students will analyze the political, economic, cultural, and geographic impacts of Spanish colonization.

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9.9 Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) - The Middle Passage

Global History I
Unit 9.9: Interactions and Disruptions
9.9 Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) - The Middle Passage

Students will describe the social, political, and economic impact of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa.

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Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionist Movement

Students will examine a number of primary sources from the abolition movement and analyze the arguments made in these primary sources.  

Close Read 1: Texas Annexation - Differentiated Example
Close Read 1: Texas Annexation - Differentiated Example

Students will read and analyze arguments for and against the annexation of slavery

Enslaved Peoples of Colonial America

Enslaved Peoples of Colonial America

Students will analyze the institution of slavery in colonial America by analyzing a variety of primary and secondary sources.  

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Graphic Organizer: Compromises: Slavery & Expansion
Graphic Organizer: Compromises: Slavery & Expansion

Students will complete a series of graphic organizers on the compromise of 1820, 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.