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Calculating Volumes of Compound Objects

Calculating Volumes of Compound Objects

This lesson unit is intended to help you assess how well students solve problems involving measurement and in particular, to identify and help students who have difficulty:
Computing measurements using formulas.
Decomposing compound shapes into simpler ones.
Using right triangles and their properties to solve real-world problems.

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How Thick is a Soda Can 1

How Thick is a Soda Can 1

Task that requires students to apply surface area and density to a real world situation.

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How Thick is a Soda Can 2

How Thick is a Soda Can 2

Task that requires students to create a mathematical based plan to find the thickness of a soda can.

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How to Build a Soccer Goal

How to Build a Soccer Goal

Resources that can be used to apply the Pythagorean Theorem to the construction of a soccer goal from cylindrical piping.

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This Dan Meyer 3 Acts elicits student curiosity around how many meatballs it would take to overflow the sauce in the pot. Students request information around diameters and heights to determine volumes of 3-D objects that could model meatballs (sphere) and a saucepan (cylinder). 

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Penny Wars

Penny Wars

Activity that requires students to apply volume and density to analyze a real world situation.

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Tennis Balls in a Can

Tennis Balls in a Can

Task that models real world situations using spheres and cylinders.

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Toilet Paper Roll

Toilet Paper Roll

Task that uses a cylinder to model a roll of toilet paper.

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