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Differentiated: Native American Speeches

Differentiated: Native American Speeches

Students will do a differentiated activity where they examine Native American speeches in order to understand the impact of European colonization on Native Americans.

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Native American Speeches

Native American Speeches

Students will read excerpts of Native American speeches in order to understand the impact of European colonization on Native Americans.

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Teacher Guide for Close Read 1: Native American Speeches

U.S. History
Unit 11.1: Colonial Foundations
Teacher Guide for Close Read 1: Native American Speeches

Students will do a close read of Native American speeches in order to understand the impact of European colonization on Native Americans.

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Unit 4 Synthesis Activity

Unit 4 Synthesis Activity

Students will analyze the reconstruction era from the perspectives of different groups including: industrialists, women, African Americans, Native Americans, and immigrants.

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Westward Expansion and Native Americans

Westward Expansion and Native Americans

Students will examine primary source documents to analyze the causes and effects of the Dawes Act.  Students will complete a cloze reading paragraph.