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10.4 SQ 7. How did Europeans, the Japanese, and the United States gain, consolidate, and maintain power in China?

Global History II
Unit 10.4: Imperialism
10.4 SQ 7. How did Europeans, the Japanese, and the United States gain, consolidate, and maintain power in China?

Students will describe the motivations behind imperialism in China.

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10.4 SQ 8. What were the causes and effects of the Boxer Rebellion?

Global History II
Unit 10.4: Imperialism
10.4 SQ 8. What were the causes and effects of the Boxer Rebellion?

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10.7 Chinese Civil War

Global History II
Unit 10.8: Cultural Traditions and Modernization
10.7 Chinese Civil War

Students will explain what led to the overthrow of the Qing and the start of the Chinese Civil War.

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10.7 Deng Xiaoping, Four Modernizations and Tiananmen Square

Global History II
Unit 10.8: Cultural Traditions and Modernization
10.7 Deng Xiaoping, Four Modernizations and Tiananmen Square

Students will compare and contrast the policies of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

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10.7 Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution

Global History II
Unit 10.8: Cultural Traditions and Modernization
10.7 Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution

Students will identify methods Mao Zedong used to gain, consolidate, and maintain power in China.

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9.3 Fall of the Han Dynasty
9.3 Fall of the Han Dynasty

Students will describe the reasons for the fall of the Han dynasty.

9.3 Han Dynasty Golden Age
9.3 Han Dynasty Golden Age

Students will identify the achievements of the Chinese during the Han Dynasty.

9.3 Han Dynasty Introduction
9.3 Han Dynasty Introduction

Students will identify the location of the Han Dynasty, when it ruled, and the reasons for its rise and fall.

9.3 Qin Dynasty Inquiry Materials
9.3 Qin Dynasty Inquiry Materials

Students will contextualize political, economic and social characteristics of China in 221 B.C.
Students will describe what the artifacts (the Terracotta Army and the Great Wall of China) reveal about Shi Huangdi.

9.3 Qin Dynasty Inquiry Synthesis Packet
9.3 Qin Dynasty Inquiry Synthesis Packet

Students will write appropriate thesis statements given a question and reasons.

9.3 Qin Dynasty Pre, During, and Post Discussion Guide
9.3 Qin Dynasty Pre, During, and Post Discussion Guide

Students will evaluate whether Shi Huangdi improved society through discussion. They will revise their claim and evaluate their performance in the discussion.

9.4 Tang and Song Dynasties Activities
9.4 Tang and Song Dynasties Activities

Students will compare and contrast the achievements and innovations of the Tang and Song dynasties with the Abbasid Caliphate.