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9.3 Classical Civilizations Golden Age Graphic Organizer
9.3 Classical Civilizations Golden Age Graphic Organizer

Students will examine the achievements of Greece, Gupta, Han Dynasty, Maya, and Rome to determine if the civilizations experienced a Golden Age.

9.3 Golden Age of Athens
9.3 Golden Age of Athens

Students will identify the achievements of the Golden Age of Athens.

9.3 Han Dynasty Golden Age
9.3 Han Dynasty Golden Age

Students will identify the achievements of the Chinese during the Han Dynasty.

9.4 SQ 16 What led to the Abbasid Golden Age? How did the Abbasid Golden Age impact the Middle East, other regions, and later periods in history?

Global History I
Unit 9.4: Political Powers and Achievements
9.4 SQ 16 What led to the Abbasid Golden Age? How did the Abbasid Golden Age impact the Middle East, other regions, and later periods in history?

Students will compare and contrast the achievements and innovations of the Tang and Song dynasties with the Abbasid Caliphate. Students will explore the spread and evolution of technology and learning from East Asia to Western Europe via the Middle East (e.g., gunpowder, ship technology, navigation, printing, paper).

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9.7 Characteristics of the Renaissance
9.7 Characteristics of the Renaissance

Students will analyze The Prince by Machiavelli to determine whether he believed it better for a ruler to be loved than feared or feared than loved and why he felt that way.

9.7 The Roots of the Renaissance
9.7 The Roots of the Renaissance

Students will explain why the Renaissance started in Italy in the 14th century.