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9.7 Age of Absolutism
9.7 Age of Absolutism

Students will describe the strategies autocrats and monarchs use to gain, maintain and consolidate their power.

9.7 Characteristics of the Renaissance
9.7 Characteristics of the Renaissance

Students will analyze The Prince by Machiavelli to determine whether he believed it better for a ruler to be loved than feared or feared than loved and why he felt that way.

9.7 Machiavelli: The Prince Close Read
9.7 Machiavelli: The Prince Close Read

Students will identify rulers that we have studied this year and cite evidence from their time in power to determine if they ruled in a way that Machiavelli would have approved of.

9.7 Renaissance Vocabulary Activities
9.7 Renaissance Vocabulary Activities

Students will recall prior knowledge of, define, and use key vocabulary words about the Renaissance.

9.7 The Roots of the Renaissance
9.7 The Roots of the Renaissance

Students will explain why the Renaissance started in Italy in the 14th century.