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10.3 SQ 4. How did innovations during the Industrial Revolution change life in Great Britain in the 19th century?

Global History II
Unit 10.3: Industrial Revolution
10.3 SQ 4. How did innovations during the Industrial Revolution change life in Great Britain in the 19th century?

Students will identify and describe innovations and changes that enabled industrialization.

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10.5 World War II Warfare and Events

Global History II
Unit 10.5: World Wars
10.5 World War II Warfare and Events

Student will describe the characteristics of WWII warfare and explain the effects of those characteristics on those involved.

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10.5 World War I Warfare

Global History II
Unit 10.5: World Wars
10.5 World War I Warfare

Students will describe the characteristics of WWI warfare and explain the effects of those characteristics on those involved.

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9.2 SQ 16: How did the innovations of the early river valley civilizations affect their inhabitants and later periods in history?

Global History I
Unit 9.2: The First Civilizations
9.2 SQ 16: How did the innovations of the early river valley civilizations affect their inhabitants and later periods in history?

Students will explore the unique achievements of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Shang, and Indus River valley civilizations.

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9.7 Characteristics of the Renaissance
9.7 Characteristics of the Renaissance

Students will analyze The Prince by Machiavelli to determine whether he believed it better for a ruler to be loved than feared or feared than loved and why he felt that way.

9.7 The Roots of the Renaissance
9.7 The Roots of the Renaissance

Students will explain why the Renaissance started in Italy in the 14th century.

9.9 Effects of the Age of Exploration in the Eastern Hemisphere
9.9 Effects of the Age of Exploration in the Eastern Hemisphere

Students will describe how new technological advances influenced impacted European exploration and transoceanic trade routes and analyze how shifts in global trade networks impacted the Ottoman Empire.

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