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Guided DBQ: Causes of the American Revolution

Guided DBQ: Causes of the American Revolution

Students will examine and evaluate primary and secondary source documents to construct an essay that analyzes the causes of the American Revolution.

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Guided DBQ - Causes of the Civil War
Guided DBQ - Causes of the Civil War

Students will examine and evaluate primary and secondary source documents to construct an essay that analyzes the causes of the Civil War.

Guided DBQ: Foundations of Self-Governance

Guided DBQ: Foundations of Self-Governance

Students will write an essay in which they discuss some examples of self-governing structures that evolved in the colonies and describe the impact of the Magna Carta and Enlightenment thinkers on the evolution of self-governing structures in the colonies.

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Teacher Guide for Guided DBQ: Causes of the American Revolution
Teacher Guide for Guided DBQ: Causes of the American Revolution

Students will examine and evaluate primary and secondary source documents to construct an essay that analyzes the causes of the American Revolution.

Teacher Guide for Guided DBQ - Causes of the Civil War
Teacher Guide for Guided DBQ - Causes of the Civil War

Students will examine and evaluate primary and secondary source documents to construct an essay that analyzes the causes of the Civil War.

Teacher Guide for Guided DBQ: Foundations of Self-Governance
Teacher Guide for Guided DBQ: Foundations of Self-Governance

Students will write an essay in which they discuss some examples of self-governing structures that evolved in the colonies and describe the impact of the Magna Carta and Enlightenment thinkers on the evolution of self-governing structures in the colonies.