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Constructing Pairs of Congruent Triangles

Constructing Pairs of Congruent Triangles

Match constructions to representations of SSS, which then leads to showing the triangles are congruent to each other.

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Construction Puzzles

Construction Puzzles

This website has a sequence of construction challenges that are done in an online platform using only two tools, constructing a circle and drawing (or extending) a line segment. This could be an excellent supplemental or homework resource. The challenges are addictive and quickly lead to fluency with constructions.

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Constructions to Triangles

Constructions to Triangles

Students will explore the relationship between the size of constructed circles, the distance between them, and the type of triangle that can be created from the circles.

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Matching Polygons

Matching Polygons

This incomplete Core Resource is designed to support students in making connections between transformations and polygons.

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Robocompass: Online Construction Teaching Tool

Robocompass: Online Construction Teaching Tool

Super high tech visualization tool to support student practice and precision with compass and straightedge constructions online. Powerful visual tool and guide, using video and steps to illustrate constructions. 3D functionality makes it very real. "Teach and learn geometry exactly as you would with a physical straightedge, compass, and protractor." Very cool!

Note: Does not appear to work in Google Chrome but it does work in Firefox.